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Bento comes with a default set of icons, which are React components accepting a set of common props, specifically:

  • size
  • color
  • className (optional)

size and color are limited to specific semantic values, so to ensure consistency in their usage.

Changing the icons used in components

You can change any icon used by Bento components using the configuration.

For example here's how you can change the default icon used by the Chip component:

Default icon
Custom icon icon
<Stack space={32}>
<Stack space={12}>
<Title size="small">Default icon</Title>
onDismiss={() => console.log("dismiss")}
<Stack space={12}>
<Title size="small">Custom icon icon</Title>
chip: {
closeIcon: IconStar,
onDismiss={() => console.log("dismiss")}

For more information on how to configure Bento components, please refer to the configuration documentation.

Adding new icons

If you want to add a new icon, you generally proceed as follows:

  • create a svg asset with a viewport of 0 0 24 24
  • run it through something like to cleanup the markup
  • remove all props from the svg tag
  • remove all fill attributes from the svg
  • create a component following this template
import { IconProps, svgIconProps } from "@buildo/bento-design-system";

export function IconMyCustomName(props: IconProps) {
return <svg {...svgIconProps(props)}>{/* SVG markup gos here*/}</svg>;

A few things to notice:

  • stripping all default props from the svg tag is important so that svgIconProps can correctly set the icon size and viewbox
  • this is true also for fill attributes, which are removed so that svgIconProps can correctly set the icon color
  • it's good practice to name icons with the Icon prefix, so that they're easy to lookup in autocompletion
  • using IconProps ensures that you can directly pass your custom icons to any Bento component that accepts an icon prop, for example
onPress={() => window.alert("Hello!")}

Adding icons from existing icons sets

You can use a similar strategy when adding icons from existing icon sets. The main thing to look out for is that some icon sets may use different viewbox and set some other props, which may interact badly with svgIconProps. Here's an example of how you can add an icon from the Phosphor icon set.

First define a utility to convert any icon from the @phosphor-icons/react package to a Bento icon:

import type { Icon as PhosphorIcon } from "@phosphor-icons/react";

function phosphorToBento(Icon: PhosphorIcon) {
return (props: IconProps) => {
const { viewBox, ...svgProps } = svgIconProps(props);
return <Icon width={undefined} height={undefined} {...svgProps} />;

Then use it to create a Bento icon:

import { Horse } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
const IconHorse = phosphorToBento(Horse);

Now you can use it as a standalone component or pass it as a prop to a Bento component:

<Stack space={32} align="left">
<IconHorse size={40} color="brandPrimary" />
onPress={() => window.alert("Hello!")}